Softwood is one of the two main groups of wood; hardwood being the other.
Softwood is a term generally used for wood that is derived from conifer trees, i.e. trees that have cones or needle-like leaves and are evergreen or do not lose their leaves through the year. Softwood trees are also commonly known as gymnosperm trees or evergreens.
The wood of softwood trees generally has a lower density and is less strong than hardwoods. Majority types of softwoods are often light in color and cheaper than hardwoods because of their fast growth cycle and easy availability. Softwoods are easy to work with and are considered suitable for a wide range of applications.
Pine, Cedar, Fir, Spruce, and Larch are some popular examples of softwood.
Common Properties of Softwood
Not all softwoods share similar characteristics. The properties of a particular wood depend on a number of things, including its type, origin, environment, age, etc. Here are some of the most common properties of softwood:
Low density: Most softwoods have a low-density or low average dried weight. This is because the grain in softwood is widely distributed or located far from each other. This makes softwoods weigh lower. This is also one of the reasons why softwoods are easier to work with and handle.
Low Durability: Most softwoods have low durability, which means they will break and dent easily.
Less Resistant: Softwoods are generally poorly resistant to fire, moisture and weather conditions. They may also be prone to attacks by insects and termites.
Light Colour: Softwoods are usually light in colour, which may range from white to yellowish and light brown or red.
Easy workability: Most softwoods are easy to work with because of their low weight and light and typically straight grain. Softwoods like pine also bend easily.
Versatility: Softwoods serve many purposes and can be used for a large number of applications both indoor and outdoor, though it is preferred for indoor construction and uses.
Inexpensive: Though not a physical characteristic, another good thing about softwoods is that they are easily and widely available at a low price, which is why they are often favoured over hardwoods.
Softwood species grow very quickly, which makes them sustainable by nature. Despite being soft on the outside, softwood timber is generally very strong. It is also lightweight, which makes it easy to work with and transport. Softwoods are also easy to finish, glue and paint. Their durability can be enhanced through treatment, which also makes them resistant to termites, moisture and other things.
Check out the different types of softwood with their properties:
7 Different Types of Softwood
There are hundreds of species of softwood, of which the most common and popular ones are the following:
1. Pine
Pine is the most famous of all types of softwoods. As one of the most widely available timber woods in the world, pine is prized for its versatility, easy availability, ease of work, and good looks.
Pine comes in many varieties, some of which are soft while others are hard.
Avg. dried weight: 25 lbs/ft3 (400 kg/m3)
Janka hardness: 380 lbf (1,690 N)
Colour: Light brown
Grain: Straight with even texture
Durability: Moderately durable; not resistant
Workability: Easy to work, glue and finish
2. Cedar
Cedar is another popular softwood that is more durable and stronger and has good durability, which makes it suitable for some outdoor applications as well.
Avg. dried weight: 33 lbs/ft3 (530 kg/m3)
Janka hardness: 900 lbf (4,000 N)
Colour: Reddish or violet-brown
Grain: Straight with even texture
Durability: Moderate to high
Workability: Easy to work
3. Redwood
Redwood is popular because of its excellent resistance to moisture, though it is not as hard as cedar.
Avg. dried weight: 26 lbs/ft3 (415 kg/m3)
Janka hardness: 450 lbf (2,000 N)
Colour: Light pinkish brown to a deep reddish brown
Grain: Straight with coarse texture
Durability: Moderate to high
Workability: Easy to work
4. Larch
Larch is commonly found in Central Europe (European Larch). It is moderately durable and used in a range of applications, from veneering and flooring to boatbuilding, and construction.
Avg. dried weight: 36 lbs/ft3 (575 kg/m3)
Janka hardness: 740 lbf (3,290 N)
Colour: Yellow to a medium reddish brown
Grain: Straight with medium to fine texture
Durability: Moderately durable
Workability: Easy to work
5. Douglas Fir
Douglas fir is a softwood timber primarily used for construction of cladding, facades, flooring and joinery. Douglas fir trees are famous for use as Christmas trees.
Avg. dried weight: 32 lbs/ft3 (510 kg/m3)
Janka hardness: 620 lbf (2,760 N)
Colour: Light brown
Grain: Straight with medium to coarse texture
Durability: Moderately durable
Workability: Easy to work with machines
6. Spruce
Spruce softwood is commonly used in construction for framing, roof decking, & sheathing. It is also used in the production of musical instruments such as guitars, violins, and pianos due to its resonant & lightweight qualities.
Avg. dried weight: 26 lbs/ft^3 (420 kg/m^3)
Janka hardness: 340 lbf (1,510 N)
Colour: Pale white to light yellowish-brown
Grain: Straight & even
Durability: Low to moderate. Also, susceptible to decay and insect infestation
Workability: Spruce is easy to work with hand & machine tools
7. Hemlock
Avg. dried weight: 30-36 lbs/ft^3 (480-580 kg/m^3)
Janka hardness: 500-600 lbf (2,220-2,670 N)
Colour: Light to medium brown, often with a reddish hue
Grain: Generally straight, with a uniform texture
Durability: Moderately durable to non-durable, with low resistance to decay and insects
Workability: Easy to work with hand and machine tools
Softwood Vs Hardwood
The most basic difference between softwood and hardwood is their origin. Softwoods are taken from conifer trees that have cones, are evergreen and have seeds in cones, while hardwoods are derived from deciduous trees which lose their leaves every year and have flowers with seeds.
Another difference between softwood and hardwood is in terms of hardness (density, strength & durability). Hardwoods are generally (but not always) harder than most softwoods, and have a higher density and durability. This is because hardwood trees grow slowly over a period of many years or sometimes decades. Their grain is closely located, which makes the wood stiff and denser. Softwoods have a shorter growth cycle of a few months or up to a year.
Softwoods are easily available in abundance and are generally cheaper than most hardwoods, which may not be as easily and widely available because of their slow growth.
Softwoods are also generally light in colour, which ranges from almost white to yellowish, light brown and pink-red. Hardwoods are dark-coloured.
In terms of distribution, North America, Russia, and Europe are the leading distributors of softwood, while hardwoods are mainly sourced from Africa, Asia, and South America.
Softwood Distribution
Softwoods grow in many parts of the world, though their major distribution is limited to the Confederation of the Independent States of the former Soviet Union (Russia, Ukraine, etc.), North America, Europe, and Asia. (see the table below)
Region | Softwood forest (%) |
Africa | 0.2 |
Asia | 5 |
Central America | 1.5 |
Europe | 8.2 |
CIS* | 53 |
North America | 30.5 |
South America | 0.8 |
Oceania | 0.8 |
World (total) | 100 |
Uses of Softwood
The properties of softwoods, such as their light weight, strength, and affordability, make them a popular choice among builders and architects for various construction projects, and there are a variety of types of softwoods available to meet different needs and preferences.
Because softwoods are easily and widely available at cheaper prices and are easier to work with, they are used in all kinds of general applications. Roughly 75%-80% of all timber in use comes from softwoods.
Top uses of softwood include:
- Doors, window frames, cabinets
- Picture frames
- Carving
- Flooring
- Pulpwood & paper
- Firewood
- Construction – roof and inner wall structures, ceilings, props and trusses
- Furniture – bed, cabinets, couches
- Veneering
- Fencing & decking
- Cladding
- Plywood
- Other engineered wood options such as fibreboard and MDF
Softwoods are less expensive than hardwoods, fairly easy to work with and can be as strong and durable, which makes them a wonderful option for practically every type of woodworking project.
What is The Most Common Softwood?
Pine is the most commonly found and used softwood. It has moderate durability, looks good and is strong enough for many types of projects. Pine is often used in furniture as an alternative to costlier hardwood options such as oak, walnut and mahogany. It is easy to work with and bends easily. It is also very easily and widely available.
Are all Softwoods Soft?
Softwoods generally have a lower density and hardness when compared to hardwoods, but this may not always be the case. Some types of softwoods such as yew wood are extremely hard, even harder than some softwoods. Similarly, some hardwoods such as Balsa are not really very hard.